puzza007 / svd2rust_example_stm32l0x1

Example repository demonstrating how to generate a Rust 'peripheral access crate' from an SVD file, and how to use that library to blink an LED.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple 'blinking LED' program for a Cortex-M0+ STM32L0x1 core. The target hardware is an STM32L031K6 Nucleo-32 board, but it should work with any STM32L0x1 chip with an LED attached to pin B3.

For information on using the svd2rust utility to create a usable crate from vendor-supplied .SVD files, see the README under the svd_lib/stm32l0x1 directory.

Building / Running

Config/install some Rust stuff

rustup default nightly
cargo install svd2rust form
cargo install cargo-generate
rustup target add thumbv6m-none-eabi

Install gcc-arm-embedded. On OSX it's brew install gcc-arm-embedded

To build the program, run cargo build.

To run the program, first open an OpenOCD session by running openocd in the project directory. After that, cargo run should open a GDB session, flash the program to the chip, and set a breakpoint at main(). From there, it's a normal GDB session; you can either debug the program or enter continue a couple of times to start it.

See .cargo/config and openocd.gdb for the exact commands which cargo run performs - they are based off of the embedded Rust ebook and the cortex-m-quickstart template.


Example repository demonstrating how to generate a Rust 'peripheral access crate' from an SVD file, and how to use that library to blink an LED.

License:MIT License


Language:Rust 100.0%Language:GDB 0.0%Language:RPC 0.0%