pushrax / OpenVR-SpaceCalibrator

Use tracked VR devices from one company with any other.

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Lightroom settings seem to be reset on each SteamVR start

Maweypeyyu opened this issue · comments


Using HP Reverb G2 with Index Controllers (controllers paired via Index HMD which only has USB plugged in).

Previously, the setup was working just fine, after installing Windows 10 freshly, I downloaded SpaceCal as before and followed the set up guidelines as per the readme.

This time however, each time I stop SteamVR and start it again, the controllers appear at the center of my area and are not synced. I have to start the Windows Mixed Reality controller, perform the calibration and then I'm fine. Very rarely, the settings survive me stopping SteamVR. Sometimes, if I start SteamVR with one of the WMR controllers active, the Index Controllers actually are synced.

I looked at the calibration values, they stay the same.

Is there anything I need to do? What I can do to help debugging this?


I figured out if I obscure the line-of-sight to one of the base stations the controllers are in the correct (calibrated) positions. That's really weird.