purifycss / purifycss

Remove unused CSS. Also works with single-page apps.

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Navbar does not collapse after using purifycss on bootstrap

ghorbani-mohammad opened this issue · comments

Hi, thanks for your great app. I have a website with only three pages. I use your app in this way
purifycss bootstrap.min.css home.html about.html projects.html —min —info —out bootstrap.min.purified.css

Everything is fine except my navbar that when diplay shrinks to mobile devices it does not collapse to hamburger icon. Can anyone give me a clue how to fix this problem? thanks.
My website: www.m-gh.info

I fixed the same error by explicitly adding the bootstrap javascript file to my purifycss command.

with your command:
purifycss bootstrap.min.css home.html about.html projects.html bootstrap.js —min —info —out bootstrap.min.purified.css

boostrap also provides a collapse.js file you can use to generate an even smaller css.

here is my command:
purifycss public/styles/main.css public/index.html public/js/main.js node_modules/bootstrap/js/dist/collapse.js --min --info --out public/styles/main.css