purifycss / purifycss

Remove unused CSS. Also works with single-page apps.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

PurifyCSS is not removing font-awesome classes

snics opened this issue · comments

I'm using PurifyCSS for gulp with the following settings:

return gulp.src([

But this settings don't remove unused font-awesome classes. Do they have an idea what the problem might be?

Same for me. It removes a lot of them, but there are still many that I don't use (.fa-lg, .fa-2x, etc) that are left behind.

Hey, can you try with purifycss-extended? See here!

I made my own purifycss fork and updated the regular expression to include digits and hypens, and then made my own gulp-purifycss fork to point to my local version of the plugin, and then made gulpfile point to the local version, and I was away.

I had this same issue. Some .fa-* rules that were indeed unused were removed, e.g, .fa-book:before, while others that were unused were not removed, e.g., fa-chevron-circle-down:before.