purhan / dotfiles

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Bars arent displayed right on second monitor

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as you can see on the screenshot below, the bars are kinda messed up on my second monitor. Problem is probably because its 4:3 and the resolution is 1280x1024, so not a normal resolution. So, how can i fix this?

@Azandigo Hi, have you tried reloading Awesome after connecting your second monitor? (Ctrl + Super + r)

@purhan Wow, youre answering really quick! Yes, ive done several reloads of awesome because of the changes i did.
Edit: Ive tried it with the default config, issue still appearing

@Azandigo I'd recommend using some tool like ARandr to manage the resolution of your monitors. I use an external monitor myself and this is what I use. You could export the settings as a bash script and run them on startup to avoid doing it yourself everytime.

@purhan I dont really understand that. Changing the resolution or using an tool doesnt help. I just use nvidia-settings and that saves it to the xorg conf, i dont have to do it everytime by myself. Ive tried arandr, but no matter what resolution i would choose the bars are still like they are on the screenshot.