purescript / purescript-tailrec

A type class which captures stack-safe monadic tail recursion

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tailRecEff space leak

matthewleon opened this issue · comments

I suspect there is no way to fix this without resorting to JS or some unsafe* calls. Within PureScript, the only way I know of to rewrite such references is to create a tail call... Which is of course what this code is meant to simulate in the first place.

I don't think this is the case. It's no different than writing something like:

function go(k, a) {
  var step = k(a);
  while (step.next) {
    step = k(step.next);
  return step.done;

And I don't think anyone would claim this "leaks" anything.

Yes, I guess "leak" isn't really the right word here. Correct me if I'm wrong, though, but if the var step line were replaced with a = k(a), wouldn't this signal to the GC that the old a reference could now be cleaned, as long as there are no other references to it lingering around? It seems to be that in certain cases, this could be quite advantageous.

There's nothing holding on to a reference of a, so I don't think it would matter for the GC if it decided to run in the middle of the loop.

I recall particularly that what prompted this was a case where a was the only reference to the head of a linked list, and by overwriting it, I was able to get the GC to progressively clean the list, rather than waiting until the end of the loop. It's been a while though, so I might not be remembering correctly. Does this make sense to you?

It's quite similar to this, I think: purescript/purescript#2822

Thanks for the reference. Personally, I think we should just write the implementation in the FFI, as we aren't going to be able to use ST anyway, and I would be wary of incurring the performance penalty of Ref.

as we aren't going to be able to use ST anyway

I guess this issue has come up because this part of the library has to be adapted to Effect? And ST needs to be rewritten?

In any case, this issue is a hitch to be aware of. I wish I had some sample code that demonstrated this particularly in the case of tailRecEff.

ST is going to be a newtype, which means you can't interleave arbitrary Effects, so we can't use it as a basis for this part of the code. We can use normal Refs, but it won't trigger any optimizations and would likely be significantly slower.

It feels this implementation can avoid storing any references to the a0 and fix the issue?:

tailRecM f = f >>> tailRec case _ of
  Nothing -> Done Nothing
  Just (Loop a) -> Loop (f a)
  Just (Done b) -> Done (Just b)

(Tho I might be miss understanding the issue)