purescript / purescript-foreign-object

Functions for working with homogeneous JavaScript objects

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Travis docs publishing is broken

justinwoo opened this issue · comments


$ test $TRAVIS_TAG && echo $GITHUB_TOKEN | pulp login && echo y | pulp publish --no-push
Please obtain a GitHub personal access token at:
No scopes are required, so don't check any of the boxes.
After you've done that, paste it in here: Successfully authenticated as garyb.
* ERROR: Your git working tree is dirty. Please commit or stash your changes first.
Done. Your build exited with 0.

Perhaps it's time to make this a warning rather than an error in purs publish.

This is no longer an issue because we are switching to manual uploads as part of switching to GH actions.