purescript / purescript-contravariant

Contravariant functors

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No instance found for Prelude.Semigroup (a6536 -> a6536 -> Prelude.Ordering)

alexbiehl opened this issue · comments


I am using purescript-contravariant with psc version 0.6.8 and it gives me:

Error at bower_components/purescript-contravariant/src/Data/Comparison.purs line 16, column 1 - line 19, column 1:
Error in declaration semigroupComparison
No instance found for Prelude.Semigroup (a6536 -> a6536 -> Prelude.Ordering)

Ah, the Semigroup instance for Ordering was added to the Prelude in psc 0.6.9.

Oh dang, must have miss that! Thank you!

I think we missed it from the psc release notes actually, I'll update them now.