punkajrapr / yii2-ccavenue

Yii2 ccavenue payment gateway integration.

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Yii2 ccavenue payment gateway integration.


1.Make a components folder to your project if it does not exist.
Copy the yii2-ccavenue/components/Ccavenue Class into the folder.

2.Now open the yii2-ccavenue/config folder and copy the function.php file, paste this into your project config folder.

3.Include the function.php file into the config/web.php file in your project.
for reference please check the yii2-ccavenue/config/web.php file.

4.In yii2-ccavenue/SiteController before action method i have
removed the csrf validation for payment-process and payment-cancel method, because this
2 method will be handle the ccavenue api request.

5.yii2-ccavenue/SiteController actionSubscription will process your request and submit the request
to the ccvaenue payment gateway.
don't forget to copy yii2-ccavenue/views/subscription.php file into your views.

$redirectUrl = Url::to(['site/payment-process'], true);
          $cancelUrl = Url::to(['site/payment-cancel'], true);

          $params = [
              'tid' => time(),
              'merchant_id' => 12345,
              'order_id' => 14523,
              'amount' => 2500,
              'currency' => 'INR',
              'redirect_url' => $redirectUrl,
              'cancel_url' => $cancelUrl,
              'language' => 'EN',

          \app\components\Ccavenue::form($params, 'auto', 'test', 'websites');

Here auto is the submission mode,
test is the name of environment of ccavenue.
it will be two test and production.
websites is the server name which i use for testing.
it can be live,local,websites or anything which u want.

for more details check yii2-ccavenue/components/Ccavenue class.

6.Copy the yii2-ccavenue/SiteController actionPaymentProcess and actionPaymentCancel
methods with views(yii2-ccavenue/views.*)

7.actionPaymentProcess and actionPaymentCancel in this two method you have to use
exact same working key which you used to submit request to ccavenue.
for reference please check yii2-ccavenue/components/Ccavenue Class form method.

Your are done!!.


I have made this for educational purpose also for reducing the development time.
i did not found any helpful resources for ccavenue payment gateway integration in yii2.
Hope it will help someone.
Good luck!!!


Yii2 ccavenue payment gateway integration.


Language:PHP 100.0%