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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Require all PRs to be labelled before merging.

nateberkopec opened this issue · comments

I think this could just be a github workflow that is "green" if the PR has any labels except waiting* labels., and red if the PR has no labels or only a label starting with waiting*.

This is necessary because our new changelog-generation system uses the labels on Github PRs to determine what "heading" to put it under in the changelog.

You can use danger to solve this (https://danger.systems/ruby/):

# Dangerfile
# More details:
# https://danger.systems/reference.html

# gate some checks on running in Github Actions, since they will fail outside it
if danger.scm_provider == :github
  # ensure that labels are used
  failure 'Please add labels to this PR' if github.pr_labels.empty?

And then a Github Actions workflow like this:

# .github/workflows/linting.yml

name: Linting

  # run on every pull request

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          # Certain Danger functionality require the full Git history.
          fetch-depth: '0'

      - name: Read from .ruby-version file
        run: echo "ruby_version=$(cat .ruby-version)" >> $GITHUB_ENV

      - uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1
          ruby-version: ${{ env.ruby_version }}
          bundler-cache: true

      - name: Install dependencies
        run: |
          gem install danger --version '~> 9.0' --no-document

      - name: Run danger linting
          RUNNING_IN_ACTIONS: true
        run: danger

@sandstrom PR? Let's ship it.

@nateberkopec I don't have time now, sorry. But the above should get you (or someone else) 90% of the way.

May have time later, but cannot promise.