puma / puma-dev

A tool to manage rack apps in development with puma

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Linux Installation

melvinotieno opened this issue · comments

I am using a linux OS specifically Fedora 32 and I do not know where to get started. In the docs it says i should first start puma-dev, how do i ago about that? Is there something i should first do and how do i do it?


You'll need to download and "install" puma-dev via pre-built binaries (placed in a directory on your $PATH) or build directly from source (and place $GOBIN_PATH on your $PATH). Given the limited support for linux, we do not currently provide a packaged installer (e.g. yum, apt, etc.).


You'll need to download and "install" puma-dev via pre-built binaries (placed in a directory on your $PATH) or build directly from source (and place $GOBIN_PATH on your $PATH). Given the limited support for linux, we do not currently provide a packaged installer (e.g. yum, apt, etc.).

@nonrational So how exactly do i download and install the pre-built binaries assuming that i'm a noob

... assuming that i'm a noob

FWIW I might advise sticking to rails s and http://localhost:3000 for now. The linux experience isn't automagic and getting the value out of puma-dev on linux will take a good deal of effort on your part.

That being said, if you're set on going down this path, #155 will be helpful. Please read and follow-up on that thread if you have additional questions. Below are instructions to manually install the puma-dev linux binary.

# download the archive containing the binary
wget https://github.com/puma/puma-dev/releases/download/v0.14/puma-dev-0.14-linux-amd64.tar.gz
# unpack the archive with tar
tar xvzf puma-dev-0.14-linux-amd64.tar.gz
# as root, move the unpacked binary into the "local" bin where non-default binaries commonly go
sudo mv puma-dev /usr/local/bin/
# run puma-dev and get the version
puma-dev -V
# clean up
rm puma-dev-0.14-linux-amd64.tar.gz

Thank you for the reply

FWIW I might advise sticking to rails s and http://localhost:3000 for now. The linux experience isn't automagic and getting the value out of puma-dev on linux will take a good deal of effort on your part.

Problem is i really want to test subdomains locally and this is the only solution that i can currently find as i do not want to edit the etc/host file

If you just want DNS to test sub/domains, I'd suggest using dnsmasq. It likely does what you want and there are plenty of blog posts about how to configure it.

Thank you, does exactly what i wanted.

With homebrew now available on linux, what would be required to create a puma-dev brew recipe?