puma / puma-dev

A tool to manage rack apps in development with puma

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http: proxy error: net/http: request canceled

resistorsoftware opened this issue · comments

Not sure what these errors are about, but for sure, some incoming requests are not being forwarded to the correct ports, and my App is failing to respond to them... not sure why this is. Trying to debug. App responds to https://globby.test fine, but proxied incoming requests are not being handled well. Like hitting a black hole.

MacOS Catalina. Rails 6.

puma-dev -V

Version: v0.12 (go1.10.2)

tail -f ~/Library/Logs/puma-dev.log
2019/10/30 09:31:07 http: proxy error: net/http: request canceled

  • Generated proxy connection for 'webpack' to
    2019/10/30 09:37:49 http: proxy error: dial tcp connect: connection refused
    ! Shutdown requested

  • Directory for apps: /Users/gloodel/.puma-dev

  • Domains: test

  • DNS Server port: 9253

  • HTTP Server port: inherited from launchd

  • HTTPS Server port: inherited from launchd
    ! Puma dev listening on http and https

  • Generated proxy connection for 'globby' to
    2019/10/30 11:48:31 http: proxy error: net/http: request canceled

Same issue here, same version! Just randomly occurs after a couple of hours or after my MacBook was in sleep mode. Easy to fix temporarily with running puma-dev -install again, than it works. But happens again and again.

Any ideas?

I've noticed this happening too; perhaps something in a recent Mac silent software update triggered it?

this looks like the same bug i'm getting every day

Has anyone found out how to resolve this? Unfortunately re-running the puma-dev -install command again isn't working for me.


Same here—re-running puma-dev --install doesn't seem to work anymore. I have to jump into activity monitor and force-quit puma-dev to get it running again.

v0.13 was released yesterday. Do you mind upgrading and seeing if the issue persists?

Upgrading, thanks for the follow up. I'll be back here when if new information comes up.

I upgraded to v0.13 and this is still happening.

@MichaelBeausoleil can you provide clear reproduction steps? (e.g. the contents of your ~/.puma-dev, configuration options, curls, etc)

I'm not sure if I'm reading the problem description correctly. The following works for me on the latest version of puma-dev.

# listen on 8000
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...
$ echo 8000 > ~/.puma-dev/python

$ curl -v --silent http://python.test 2>&1 | grep 'HTTP/1.1'
> GET / HTTP/1.1
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK