puma / puma-dev

A tool to manage rack apps in development with puma

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How do you stop, start, restart on OS X? #111

chrishough opened this issue · comments

This issue #111 has not been fixed.

What hasn't been fixed?

As mentioned in the other posts those commands are not working. It starts right back up. I had to uninstall it forcefully. One item to note, is it was installed via homebrew.

Maybe something is making a request to port 80 in the background. That would cause the app to start back up again.

Just to confirm, pkill does exist on your system, right?

Also if you could post your logs that would help. https://github.com/puma/puma-dev#logging

I am wondering if it is installed via Homebrew has something to do with this, I will have to test this later and let you know.

@chrishough Are you referring to the parent puma-dev process "start[ing] right back up"? Is your expectation that killing puma-dev should stop it from appearing in the process list? That's how I'm interpreting your comment.

puma-dev -install registers puma-dev as a system service with launchd, so killall puma-dev will cause launchd to automatically start a new process. If you want to stop the parent puma-dev from running in the background, you'll need to avoid installing it as a service. i.e. Don't run puma-dev -install.

Yes, that is the case. I fear that is home homebrew installs it. I will have to confirm that.

How I fixed this, was used homebrew to install it like the docs stated, then I ran puma-dev -stop followed up by puma-dev -uninstall. This appears to have killed the service. Now I can run puma-dev without the daemon.

This appears to have killed the service. Now I can run puma-dev without the daemon.

The long command is this:

sudo puma-dev -d pizza -http-port 80 -https-port 443