puma / puma-dev

A tool to manage rack apps in development with puma

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Puma-dev hard locking

vimalloc opened this issue · comments

About once a day I'll run into a situation where my application stops responding to requests through puma-dev. When this happens, I am unable to stop/restart puma-dev. Doing a puma-dev -stop results in the message Gracefully stopping, waiting for requests to finish to be logged, then it hangs until I eventually kill -9 the puma-dev process.

I'm running Version: v0.12 (go1.10.2) on macos. Any ideas on what's going on here or how I could troubleshoot this further?

I believe this is a duplicate of #59.

You can try building with #175 which, in my experience, fixes the issue.

Update in case anyone else runs into this. Running with the patch applied did not fix the issue for me, but since I changed the number of threads to 1 it has been working flawlessly. I think we made some chanages in our app in regards to stream response vs chunking responses around the time I started seeing this issue, so I'm thinking it might be related to that? Either way, it's now stable for me so I haven't dug into it any further.