puma / puma-dev

A tool to manage rack apps in development with puma

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Not working at all on macOS 10.14.5

juni0r opened this issue · comments

Puma-dev is not working at all on macOS Mojave. I did

brew install puma/puma/puma-dev
sudo puma-dev -setup
puma-dev -install
puma-dev link -n myproject ~/andreas/Projects/myproject

The app has puma gem installed as a dependency, puma-dev process is running, but myproject.dev will neither load in Chrome nor Safari (Site can't be reached).

tail on ~/Library/Logs/puma-dev.log gives me

* Directory for apps: /Users/andreas/.puma-dev
* Domains: test
* DNS Server port: 9253
* HTTP Server port: inherited from launchd
* HTTPS Server port: inherited from launchd
! Puma dev listening on http and https

When I do curl -H "Host: puma-dev" localhost/status as suggested in the docs, it gives

curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 80: Connection refused

Any help for troubleshooting appreciated!

@juni0r here's what I did to finally fix the issue:

puma-dev -uninstall
sudo puma-dev -setup
sudo puma-dev -cleanup
puma-dev -install

Everything should come back to normal after.

I think what was most important was this line:
sudo puma-dev -cleanup

Hope it helps.


Thanks @lpdahito! That did the trick.

Also, since I had Pow installed previously I needed to remove a few config files according to Andi Croll's post Clean up broken .dev domains.

$ puma-del -install

* Use '/usr/local/Cellar/puma-dev/0.12/bin/puma-dev' as the location of puma-dev
* Installed puma-dev on ports: http 80, https 443

responds "OK" but it didn't work.
I've changed ownership log file.
$ sudo chown user_name ~/Library/Logs/puam-dev.log
and then it works!
$ sudo lsof -I :80

launchd     1   root   39u  IPv4 0xXXXXXXXX      0t0  TCP *:http (LISTEN)
puma-dev  815 user_name   5u  IPv4 0xXXXXXXXX      0t0  TCP *:http (LISTEN)
puma-dev  815 user_name    6u  IPv4 0xXXXXXXXX      0t0  TCP *:http (LISTEN)

$ tail -f ~/Library/Logs/puma-dev.log

* HTTP Server port: inherited from launchd
* HTTPS Server port: inherited from launchd
! Puma dev listening on http and https
! Booting app 'appname' on socket /Users/user_name/.puma-dev/appname/tmp/puma-dev-815.sock
appname[982]: Puma starting in single mode...
appname[982]: * Version 3.7.1 (ruby 2.3.4-p301), codename: Snowy Sagebrush
appname[982]: * Min threads: 0, max threads: 5
appname[982]: * Environment: development
appname[982]: DEPRECATION WARNING: alias_method_chain is deprecated. Please, use ...
appname[982]: * Listening on unix:/Users/user_name/.puma-dev/appname/tmp/puma-dev-815.sock
appname[982]: Use Ctrl-C to stop
! App 'appname' booted

This doesn't look like a puma-dev bug, and more something wack that MacOS is doing when you upgrade. Please LMK if I'm wrong.

👋 Hi, just to let people know that I somehow ended up with the same issue, the wrong permissions on the log file that prevented puma-dev to run but without any useful error messages about it. It was done on a clean Catalina install, so not an upgrade issue.

It might be worth adding this in a troubleshooting section or somewhere else in the readme; had I not found this issue I probably would still have been looking.

Fair to say that a number of GitHub issues are, in their own right, documentation. I wish GitHub supported something like "Accepted Answer" a la Stack Overflow. I'm considering making a solved label to call attention to closed issues.

$ puma-del -install

  • Use '/usr/local/Cellar/puma-dev/0.12/bin/puma-dev' as the location of puma-dev
  • Installed puma-dev on ports: http 80, https 443
    responds "OK" but it didn't work. I've changed ownership log file. $ sudo chown user_name ~/Library/Logs/puam-dev.log and then it works! $ sudo lsof -I :80

launchd 1 root 39u IPv4 0xXXXXXXXX 0t0 TCP *:http (LISTEN)
puma-dev 815 user_name 5u IPv4 0xXXXXXXXX 0t0 TCP *:http (LISTEN)
puma-dev 815 user_name 6u IPv4 0xXXXXXXXX 0t0 TCP *:http (LISTEN)
$ tail -f ~/Library/Logs/puma-dev.log


  • HTTP Server port: inherited from launchd
  • HTTPS Server port: inherited from launchd
    ! Puma dev listening on http and https
    ! Booting app 'appname' on socket /Users/user_name/.puma-dev/appname/tmp/puma-dev-815.sock
    appname[982]: Puma starting in single mode...
    appname[982]: * Version 3.7.1 (ruby 2.3.4-p301), codename: Snowy Sagebrush
    appname[982]: * Min threads: 0, max threads: 5
    appname[982]: * Environment: development
    appname[982]: DEPRECATION WARNING: alias_method_chain is deprecated. Please, use ...
    appname[982]: * Listening on unix:/Users/user_name/.puma-dev/appname/tmp/puma-dev-815.sock
    appname[982]: Use Ctrl-C to stop
    ! App 'appname' booted

THIS did the trick for me!!
sudo chown [username] ~/Library/Logs/puma-dev.log