puma / puma-dev

A tool to manage rack apps in development with puma

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can you publish a new release?

rmacklin opened this issue · comments

@evanphx would you be able to publish a new release of puma-dev? There have been a lot of great additions since the last release (0.11): 0.11...d4c0673, and I would love if my coworkers could get those improvements just from the simple brew install command.

In particular, after suggesting my coworkers switch from pow to puma-dev, I found that several of them had mistakenly followed master's README which says:

Run puma-dev -install to configure puma-dev to run in the background on ports 80 and 443 with the domain .test.


Default domain is .test. Previously it was .dev, but it is owned by Google and since Dec 2017 HSTS only with real websites hosted there.

However, the latest release does not include the change that switches the default to .test, so my coworkers were confused when this wasn't working. Of course, they can manually specify puma-dev -install -d test, but it'd be awesome if a new release was published so they could just follow the README as-is.

Sorry for the long delay, v0.12 is out now with that change.