pujoey / train

Train --

Home Page:https://glacial-lowlands-2707.herokuapp.com/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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WDI DTLA 6 Project 2 - Train

![Train](https://i.imgur.com/OvpdpkE.png =300x) Link to Wireframe & ERD on Trello

About This App

Most trainers keep clients' sessions and body stats data on their phone in a notepad which is often inaccurate and prone to neglect to update. Trainers and their clients can maintain clients' body stats in a centralized database accessible by multi-platforms.

This app is for personal trainers to keep track of clients' sessions with calendar and for clients to keep track of their own goals and progress. I made this app after speaking to an actual body trainer to find out his unique needs for a website.

Project Requirement

  • Have at least 2 models (more if they make sense) – one representing someone using your application, and at least one more that represents the main functional idea for your app.
  • Include sign up/log in functionality, with authentication from scratch (has_secure_password). Implement basic authorization by restricting access to certain features, such as editing and deleting a resource, to an authenticated user.
  • Have complete RESTful routes for at least one of your resources with GET, POST, PUT/PATCH, and DELETE.
  • Have semantically clean HTML and CSS. Be deployed online (Heroku) and accessible to the public.

Technology Used

Development Design Communication Deployment
HTML Moqups Standup meetings Heroku
CSS Sublime Slack
Bootstrap Trello Markdown
Ruby on Rails

Project Challenges

  • Apply Ruby, RoR, PostgreSQL skill learned in class after learning it for 2 weeks to make a fullstack application.
  • Familiarize myself with principles such as MVC (Model, View, Controller), RESTful CRUDing design, and RoR's convention over configuration.
  • Design a working ERD (Entity Relational Diagram) and following Rail's ORM (Object Relational Mapping) and Active Record schema conventions.
  • Implementing Authentication by building user models with hashed password authorization Rail's gem "bcrypt" to grant different access, and build signup/login ERB (Embedded Ruby) views in to the app.
  • Explore and implement Calendar function into app without using Gem.
  • Contact actual trainer to find out what useful functions are needed for the app in order to determine the business requirements.


  • [ x ] As a TRAINER & USER, I would like to see good looking center formated sign-in page BECAUSE it makes it more pleasant to the eyes

  • [ x ] As a TRAINER, I would like to have menu to different pages on the navbar BECAUSE it's easily accessible to me to click on.

  • [ x ] As a USER, I would like to see my schedules with headings of start/end dates BECAUSE it reminds me of the important dates

  • [ x ] As a TRAINER, I would like to see calendar of training sessions on the calendar BECAUSE it helps me to keep sessions organized.

  • [ x ] As a TRAINER & USER, I would like to have good looking center formated profile edit page BECAUSE it makes it more pleasant to read


  • FEATURE: As a TRAINER, I would like to see a dashboard/kanban with as much information as soon as the page is loaded BECAUSE it saves me time to navigate from page loadings

  • Select Users: As a TRAINER & USER, I would like to send message to my trainer/client BECAUSE it's cool to leave messages between trainer/clients

  • Active Mail: As a TRAINER & USER, I would like to receive email when I sign up BECAUSE it is a web convention

  • Active Mail: As a TRAINER, I would like to send email listing to my clients BECAUSE I want to inform clients on training session price update, new videos and posts.


Train --



Language:Ruby 55.5%Language:HTML 41.3%Language:CSS 2.2%Language:JavaScript 1.1%