pug-php / pug-symfony

Pug (Jade) template engine for Symfony

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extends can find files, but include can't

Evertt opened this issue · comments

At the top of my home.pug I have:

extends _layout
include mixins/_global-mixins
include mixins/_project-mixins
include mixins/_project-vars

It can find _layout.pug, but it can't find mixins/_gobal-mixins.pug. After some debugging on my part it seems like include is using twig functions, but extends isn't. Maybe that's why? Because Twig doesn't know how to find a pug-file without the extension after it?


Hello, what is your version of pug-php/pug-symfony (include only use Twig since 3.0.0), what is your files structure?

Please also dump the full error which contains a stack trace and the list of paths that are used for the include.

@kylekatarnls sorry I already moved on to just manually converting my pug files to twig, because I was in a hurry. And right now I don't have the time to tackle this thing. 😅