pug-php / pug-symfony

Pug (Jade) template engine for Symfony

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Incomplete installation on Symfony 4

gwenl opened this issue · comments



When installed on a Symfony 4 project, the installation script (v 2.4) will end with the following warnings:

Would you like us to add automatically needed settings in your config.yml? [Y/N] y
Would you like us to add automatically the pug bundle in your AppKernel.php? [Y/N] y
framework entry not found in config.yml.
Sorry, AppKernel.php has a format we can't handle automatically.

What should I do to to make the changes that could not be done automatically ?
I tried to add the following line to /config/bundles.php:

Pug\PugSymfonyBundle\PugSymfonyBundle::class => ['all' => true]

but this won't work: the bundle does not seem to be registered, since the "assets:publish" doesn't show in the list of available CLI commands.



Basically the automated config add the following to config.yml if present (in the services section):

        public: true
        class: Pug\PugSymfonyEngine
        arguments: ["@kernel"]

You may use some other config system (XML) and so you must report the equivalent settings.

Then in AppKernel.php (for this one I cannot explain it's missing), you should add the following bundle: new Pug\PugSymfonyBundle\PugSymfonyBundle() in the list (the one that contains new Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\FrameworkBundle()).


There is no longer a AppKernel.php file in Symfony 4, that's why I tried to register the bundle in bundles.php, as described here.

Also, the config.yml is absent by default but reporting the configuration in services.yaml does not work either.

I guess I'm doing something wrong but I can't put my finger on it.


Our tests run on Symfony 4.0: https://travis-ci.org/pug-php/pug-symfony, it was the very begenning of Symfony 4.0 when I tested it in a real app but it was using config.yml. What exact version do you use? 4.0, 4.1 or 4.2?


My project runs on version 4.1.

I just made a few tests on a blank symfony 4.0 project (initialized with composer create-project symfony/website-skeleton project 4.0.0), added the templating.engine.pug in services.yaml and Pug\PugSymfonyBundle\PugSymfonyBundle::class => ['all' => true] in config/bundles.php (as there's no AppKernel.php to be found)

  • the service is registered (appears in the list given by php bin/console debug:container)
  • still there is no assets:publish command available from the php bin/console list of commands

Hi, I succeed to make it work with a new Symfony 4.1 project. It needs some adjustments in the project. I will update it and provide some tools to update automatically config for Symfony 4+ too and ensure it do not break older versions.


Thank you very much!


Patch 2.4.4 released, please re-try to install it using it, it should auto-install it modifying config/services.yaml, config/packages/framework.yaml and config/bundles.php

Now I should also update the README so I keep this issue open for now.


New documentation added.


Hello, sorry to come back to you about that, but I've tried versions 2.4.4 and 2.5.0, and the command "assets:publish" is still not available from the command line.
I checked on fresh installations of Symfony 4.0 and 4.1 with no luck, although the automatic configuration of YAML config files at installation time works fine now.

I wonder if this might help ? It has to do with "magic" discovery of commands that was removed in Symfony 4.0.