pufferpanel / pufferpanel

PufferPanel is an open source game server management panel, designed for both small networks and personal use

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[Feature Request] Create Backups on Servers (With concept art)

Adler-real opened this issue · comments

It would be very helpful to have the ability to create backups of your (Minecraft) server and then restore them with a single click:

  • Create a complete backup (of all files).

  • Create a backup with only specific files (e.g., world/ & server.properties).

  • Create a backup excluding certain files (e.g., config/ & mods/).

  • And you can Delete the backup, download them & Restore them.

When restoring a backup, only the files included in this backup will be replaced/added (e.g. if I create a backup that only includes the world/ folder, restore this backup, then only the entire world/ folder will be replaced).

here some concept arts:



(Like in the Crafty Control Minecraft panel)

I hope its correct to open a issue for that, i'm new on GitHub.

I second this.
Also not just for Minecraft servers but I guess pretty much all servers could profit from it.
Additionally a way to backup on a schedule would be great. That's my number one missing feature right now.

This would be awesome if implemented!

The truth is that I miss this feature, for now I am using Crafty Controller for my servers, although I like PufferPanel better.
If I have some time I will try to elaborate a PR for this feature, but no promises.