pufferffish / wireproxy

Wireguard client that exposes itself as a socks5 proxy

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

"interface address subnet should be /32 for IPv4 and /128 for IPv6"

JohanAR opened this issue · comments


Is this check correct? The wireguard conf file that I've received from my VPN provider has subnets /24 for IPv4 and /64 for IPv6, and it works without issues with wg-quick.

In addition, the example wg.conf on ArchWiki also uses /24 and /64.

edit: I tried commenting out this line in config.go and everything seems to work with my VPN conf file.

I think it should work either way, this check is probably not necessary. For a single client (as opposed to a router), /32 or 128 makes "more sense" though, but in the end it should not matter.


Thanks! If wireproxy would be made more permissive, should this check be changed to something else, or could it be removed entirely?

I think it could be removed entirely, what do you think @pufferffish ?

@pufferffish , I know this may be asking a lot, but this one is actually a big help for my current setup. Would it be possible to release/build the binaries including this fix? I'm on windows and so I'm not exactly sure how I'd go around compiling or cross-compiling this.... I would be really grateful.

Thank you very much.

@LittleVulpix you really shouldn't need a new build. Just choose your IP and sticka /32 at the end of it. It should work just the same.