pufferffish / wireproxy

Wireguard client that exposes itself as a socks5 proxy

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TCPServerTunnel only works after initial SOCKS5 connection

ViRb3 opened this issue · comments


Config file:

PrivateKey = X
Address = X

PublicKey = X
Endpoint = X

ListenPort = 12345
Target = localhost:12345

BindAddress =

I run:

./wireproxy --config config.ini

wireproxy logs:

Then, I start a listener:

nc -l 12345

Now I try to connect via external (server) IP:

nc X 12345

Nothing received on listener side...

But if I connect to SOCKS5 using Chrome, as soon as the first connection packet is sent, I see this:

DEBUG: 2022/06/09 01:22:22 peer(X) - Sending handshake initiation
DEBUG: 2022/06/09 01:22:22 peer(X) - Received handshake response

And now, the previous experiment works:

nc X 12345
nc -l 12345

It seems that wireproxy will not actually handshake with the peers until you initiate some traffic on the wireproxy side of things. If you set PersistentKeepalive on your peer, it will work without a SOCKS proxy, that seems to be enough to kick it into handshaking. I am currently trying to figure out how to force an initial handshake w/o keepalive.