puebloDeLaMuerte / hda

human director actor - let gpts talk with each other

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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human director actor

...is a little research project by blutgruppe digital that makes OpenAIs ChatGPT talk to itself. Currently it is possible to define individual roles for two actors that will have a conversation. We want to add capability for more actors and a channel for a human to be part of the conversation as well.

for now:

pip install openai

get an openAI api-key and put it in a file named api_key.txt inside ./data folder

define roles by adding text snippets as individual texfiles with one line of text in them to named role-folders in data/roles

all actors will be primed with text-snippets from ./data/roles/all plus the snippets found in their respective role-folder


human director actor - let gpts talk with each other


Language:Python 100.0%