puckzxz / NotAnotherAnimeTheme

A easily customizable and automatically updating theme for Discord

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Big User Popout header color is disabled

PatheticMustan opened this issue · comments


In the big user popout, the header color (it seems to be background-color in .profileBanner-33-uE1) is overwritten.
The header still displays properly if it's a gif or image, but is disabled if it's just a solid color.

small user popout solid color

big user popout solid color

big user popout file


The small user popout is intended to be like that. As for the big user popout I can't reproduce these issues on v3 of the theme.





I'm pretty sure I've updated to the latest...

The line that's overriding it is https://puckzxz.github.io/NotAnotherAnimeTheme/build/v3/naat.v3.css, which I'm pretty sure is just the theme file. The rule is .profileBanner-33-uE1{background-color:initial!important}

I'm not sure what the line does, but removing it seems to fix the issue...?

And I can only find one instance of profileBanner, so I don't think removing it would break anything.


So, if I'm understanding this right you want to see the solid profile color on the big user pop-out? I kept the image but not a solid color for it since the image is a bit more personable


Ah, I thought it was unintended, since the solid color shows up in the small user pop out, but not the big user pop out. But that was what I was thinking, yeah.


Fully intended, the solid color on the small popout isn't very distracting although when it's on the big popout it takes up a lot of space with one solid blank color. The images a person uploads can say a lot about them so I keep them on the big popout, you can also see them better on the big popout too


well then! thanks for being super responsive :D