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Compilation warnings clean-up

Guillaume227 opened this issue · comments

I have noticed the following warnings when building on windows.
Absolutely not critical but I like to have a clean build, so would be nice to get rid of them.
Let me know if you would like a PR or just handle them on your end when time permits.

Commenting out the parameter name should do for those:

hello_imgui\hello_imgui_cmake\HelloImGui_WinMain.cpp(7): warning C4100: 'nCmdShow': unreferenced formal parameter
hello_imgui\hello_imgui_cmake\HelloImGui_WinMain.cpp(7): warning C4100: 'lpCmdLine': unreferenced formal parameter
hello_imgui\hello_imgui_cmake\HelloImGui_WinMain.cpp(7): warning C4100: 'hPrevInstance': unreferenced formal parameter
hello_imgui\hello_imgui_cmake\HelloImGui_WinMain.cpp(7): warning C4100: 'hInstance': unreferenced formal parameter
hello_imgui\internal\backend_impls\backend_window_helper\glfw_window_helper.cpp(14): warning C4100: 'backendOptions': unreferenced formal parameter

Not sure about that one:

hello_imgui\internal\backend_impls\backend_window_helper\glfw_window_helper.cpp(9): warning C4505: 'HelloImGui::BackendApi::glfw_error_callback': unreferenced function with internal linkage has been removed

That one is probably a release vs debug thing: the value is used by an assert macro that does not do anything in release.

hello_imgui\internal\backend_impls\runner_glfw_opengl3.cpp(42): warning C4189: 'glfwInitSuccess': local variable is initialized but not referenced

A static_cast should be ok for that one (although that's 3rd party code):

hello_imgui\src\hello_imgui\..\hello_imgui/internal/pnm.h(1046): warning C4267: 'argument': conversion from 'size_t' to 'const uint8_t', possible loss of data


Thanks for this. A PR would be perfect!
concerning the unused variable you can silence the warning with

What about the glfw_error_callback warning ? Seems like maybe we forgot to set that callback with glfwSetErrorCallback(glfw_error_callback); ? I am not sure where that statement should go though.

What about the glfw_error_callback warning ? Seems like maybe we forgot to set that callback with glfwSetErrorCallback(glfw_error_callback); ? I am not sure where that statement should go though.

It is unused. I'll remove it.