ptahmose / MEXlibCZI

read CZI-documents from MATLAB

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GetMultiChannelScalingTileComposite option

tryphoncosinus opened this issue · comments


MEXlibCZI is a very useful program.

h = MEXlibCZI('Open','/Data/MyFile.czi') % Working command
b1=MEXlibCZI('GetMultiChannelScalingTileComposite',h,[0 0 139758 103021],'',0.005); % This does not work
I get this message : One or more output arguments not assigned during call to "MEXlibCZI".

Other MexlibCZI options works fine.

Anything to do ?

Thnak you!

My config:
{'VersionString' } {'0.1.0-alpha' }
{'LibraryName' } {'MEXlibCZI' }
{'CompilerIdentification'} {'GNU 9.3.0' }
{'libCZIVersion' } {'0.45' }
{'libCZIRepoUrl' } {'' }
{'libCZIRepoBranch' } {'master' }
{'libCZIRepoTag' } {'5bb2d5402a859f1ae5cf09459c2e982dec2533b2'}

MEXlibCZI downloaded from 20211015.2 link
Ubuntu 20.04
MATLAB 2021b

Thanks for trying "MEXlibCZI".
Hmm, what could wrong in your case - the third argument ("plane coordinate") must uniquely identify a plane, and what coordinates must be given here depends on the CZI-document (c.f. here and here, ch. "command ChannelComposite"). So e.g. if the CZI contains a Z-stack, you have to specify the Z-index here (e.g. 'Z5'). This can only be an empty string if the document contains only one plane.
To check for this, running


should be helpful, then inspect the property "dimBounds"

Hope this helps, otherwise - if you can provide me the CZI you are testing with, I'll try to have a look.

Clearly I misunderstood this third argument. I tried and it works as it should. Thank you for this explanation!

I prepared a new build which should give a more reasonable and useful error-message for this case. Also, includes latest updates from upstream.