psyb0t / gopenai

gopenai is an unofficial package that provides bindings for the OpenAI API.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


codecov goreportcard pipeline

gopenai is an unofficial package that provides bindings for the OpenAI API. It exposes a collection of interfaces for interacting with models, completions, edits, images, embeddings, files, fine tunes, and moderations.


To use the package, you'll need to create a Config struct with your OpenAI API key and organization ID. You can also set a custom request timeout.

cfg := Config{
    APIKey: os.Getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
    OrganizationID: "YOUR_ORGANIZATION_ID",
    RequestTimeout: time.Second * 30


You can create a new client that uses the config you created with New().

c := gopenai.New(cfg)

The client provides access to the different APIs.

modelsAPI := c.Models()
completionsAPI := c.Completions()
editsAPI := c.Edits()
imagesAPI := c.Images()
embeddingsAPI := c.Embeddings()
filesAPI := c.Files()
fineTunesAPI := c.FineTunes()
moderationsAPI := c.Moderations()


The Models API allows you to get a list of all models, get a model by ID, and delete a model by ID.

models, err := modelsAPI.GetAll()
model, err := modelsAPI.GetByID(id)
deletedModel, err := modelsAPI.DeleteByID(id)


The Completions API allows you to create a completion.

params := CompletionParams{
    Model: "YOUR_MODEL",
    Prompt: "YOUR_PROMPT",
    Suffix: "YOUR_SUFFIX",
    MaxTokens: 30,
    Temperature: 1.0,
    TopP: 0.9,
    N: 10,
    Logprobs: 1,
    Echo: true,
    Stop: ".",
    PresencePenalty: 0.0,
    FrequencyPenalty: 0.0,
    BestOf: 3,
    User: "YOUR_USER"

completion, err := completionsAPI.Create(params)


The Chat Completions API allows you to create a chat completion.

params := ChatCompletionParams{
    Model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
    Messages: []ChatCompletionMessage{
        {Role: ChatCompletionMessageRoleSystem, Content: "SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION"},
        {Role: ChatCompletionMessageRoleUser, Content: "USER_MESSAGE"},
    Temperature: 0.8,
    TopP: 0.9,
    N: 10,
    Stop: ".",
    PresencePenalty: 0.0,
    FrequencyPenalty: 0.0,
    LogitBias: map[string]interface{}{
        "2435": -100,
        "640": -100,
    User: "YOUR_USER",

completion, err := chatCompletionsAPI.Create(params)


The Edits API provides methods for creating edits.

params := EditParams{
    Model: "model_name",
    Input: "input_text",
    Instruction: "edit_instruction",
    N: 10,
    Temperature: 0.5,
    TopP: 0.8,

edit, err := editsAPI.Create(params)

Images API

The Images API provides methods for creating, editing, and creating variations of images.


The Create method creates a new image based on the given input.

params := gopenai.ImageGenerationParams{
    Prompt: "This is a test prompt",
    N: 10,
    Size: gopenai.ImageSize1024x1024,
    ResponseFormat: gopenai.ImageResponseFormatURL,
    User: "username",

images, err := imagesAPI.Create(params)


The Edit method edits an existing image based on the given input.

params := gopenai.ImageEditParams{
    Image: "path/to/image.png",
    Mask: "path/to/mask.png",
    Prompt: "This is a test prompt",
    N: 10,
    Size: gopenai.ImageSize1024x1024,
    ResponseFormat: gopenai.ImageResponseFormatURL,
    User: "username",

images, err := imagesAPI.Edit(params)

Create Variations

The CreateVariations method creates variations of an existing image based on the given input.

params := gopenai.ImageVariationParams{
    Image: "path/to/image.png",
    N: 10,
    Size: gopenai.ImageSize1024x1024,
    ResponseFormat: gopenai.ImageResponseFormatURL,
    User: "username",

images, err := imagesAPI.CreateVariations(params)

Embeddings API

The Embeddings API provides methods to create embeddings from the OpenAI models.


The Create method takes an EmbeddingParams struct as a parameter and returns an Embedding struct.

params := gopenai.EmbeddingParams{
    Model: "text-embedding-ada-002",
    Input: "This is a string to be embedded",
    User: "",

embedding, err := embeddingsAPI.Create(params)

Files API

The Files API provides methods to manage files, such as creating, deleting and downloading files.


The GetAll method returns a list of File structs.

files, err := filesAPI.GetAll()


The GetByID method takes an ID as a parameter and returns a File struct.

file, err := filesAPI.GetByID("<file_id>")


The Create method takes a FileParams struct as a parameter and returns a File struct.

params := gopenai.FileParams{
    File: "<path_to_file>",
    Purpose: "fine-tune",

file, err := filesAPI.Create(params)


The DeleteByID method takes an ID as a parameter and returns a DeletedFile struct.

deleted, err := filesAPI.DeleteByID("<file_id>")


The DownloadByID method takes an ID and a destination io.Writer as parameters and returns an error.

err := filesAPI.DownloadByID("<file_id>", os.Stdout)

FineTunes API

The FineTunes API provides methods to manage fine tunes, such as creating and cancelling fine tunes.


The GetAll method returns a list of FineTune structs.

fineTunes, err := fineTunesAPI.GetAll()


The GetByID method takes an ID as a parameter and returns a FineTune struct.

fineTune, err := fineTunesAPI.GetByID("<fine_tune_id>")


The Create method takes a FineTuneParams struct as a parameter and returns a FineTune struct.

params := gopenai.FineTuneParams{
    TrainingFile: "<training_file_id>",
    ValidationFile: "<validation_file_id>",
    Model: "curie",
    NEpochs: 3,
    BatchSize: 16,
    LearningRateMultiplier: 0.1,
    PromptLossWeight: 0.5,
    ComputeClassificationMetrics: true,
    ClassificationNClasses: 2,
    ClassificationPositiveClass: "positive",
    ClassificationBetas: []float64{0.5, 0.5},
    Suffix: "my_suffix",

fineTune, err := fineTunesAPI.Create(params)


The Cancel method takes an ID as a parameter and returns a FineTune struct.

fineTune, err := fineTunesAPI.Cancel("<fine_tune_id>")


The GetEvents method takes a fine tune ID as a parameter and returns a list of FineTuneEvent structs.

events, err := fineTunesAPI.GetEvents("<fine_tune_id>")

Moderations API

The Moderations API provides methods to manage moderations, such as creating moderations.


The Create method takes a ModerationParams struct as a parameter and returns a Moderation struct.

params := gopenai.ModerationParams{
    Input: "This is a string to be moderated",
    Model: "text-moderation-stable",

moderation, err := moderationsAPI.Create(params)


  • add more tests


gopenai is an unofficial package that provides bindings for the OpenAI API.

License:MIT License


Language:Go 98.4%Language:Makefile 1.6%