psieg / Lightpack

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Dual Monitor Issue

Erikcb91 opened this issue · comments

Hi, i'm trying to set up two different profiles on two different monitors, the thing is i created the zones and profiles are working properly, but as soon as i switch from the main monitor profile to the second monitor profile the lights just turn off and i have to restart the program so it captures the second monitor otherwise it's just turned off.

There is no problem on switching profiles, it works as it should, it's just the lights turn off, i tried both capturing methods, i tried DXhook and i don't know what else to do.

I don't think this is important, but the led strip is on my main monitor, there is no leds on my second, i just want the leds on my main monitor to light when i load the second monitor profile.

Hope anyone knows how to fix this, it's not a huge issue, but it's really annoying having to close the program and re open it every time i want to switch the profiles.


Sorry I don't follow your description. You have LEDs only on one monitor, so what does the second profile do?

What is the "second monitor profile"? Are all monitors connected all the time? What does "switch from the main monitor profile to the second monitor profile" mean if you have LEDs only one the main monitor?

With second monitor profile i mean a profile that captures the image on the second monitor, instead of on my main one

Hi, I want to ask, is it possible to have, two LEDs, on two monitors? how then I should use the program?, Can I set in profile which monitor should be used or can I run two instances of program?

#280 has a discussion about this. You can wire both monitor's LEDs on one device, or, if you have two devices that are not Lightpacks (or compatible) you can run two instances of it using --config-dir option

Sorry, I missed this.

I haven't tested it on Ubuntu but in theory it should work. Is there something being written to the log file?

No, screen grabbing on Android works completely different. There are hardware solutions that you can plug into HDMI that will do what you want, or complicated setups using HDMI capture cards, but not sure that's worth the effort.