psieg / Lightpack

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Significant grab frequency drop when prismatik runs in background

quinnfrost opened this issue · comments

I'm using Prismatik on windows 11, the profile is using adalight with 120 lights and baud rate of 115200. Capture source is win8 desktop duplication and the send data only if changed option is not ticked. The CPU is intel 13700k and the monitor is running at 4k@144Hz.
The grab frequency is set to 25 fps but when I run some CPU heavy games the actual grab frequency drops far below than that, some times the lightpack stop updating for a couple of seconds.
However, when I keep the prismatik config window open the issue was gone. The lightpack updates smoothly when I run the game and the game is still comsuming most of the CPU. When the config window is closed and prismatik is running in background the grab frequency started to drop. I tried to set the prismatik priority to realtime but it doesn't solve the issue.
You might temporarily solve this issue by setting your game to boarderless mode, double click the prismatik icon to open the config window, and switch back to the game by alt+tab. Leaving the config window open seems to keep the fps healthy.
Enable DX hooking doesn't solve as well. Using WinAPI as capture source does keep the fps right but it also lower the fps of desktop.

could be that your Prismatik is sent to an E core in background
try looking up if it's possible to pin a process to a P core

Thanks, I tried to pin Prismatik to P cores using affinity options in taskmgr. It does make fps better but still laggy. I found that when the fps drops Prismatik took over 50% of CPU in taskmgr and normally it should only take 1%. Don't know what caused Prismatik use that much of CPU.