psieg / Lightpack

Lightpack and Prismatik open repository

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Error handling with DRM-protected content

RaptDept opened this issue · comments

Currently, using screen grab mode in Prismatik and then starting playback on Netflix (both via Microsoft Edge and the MS Store app) causes the entire screen to turn black indefinitely. The only way to recover is to either quit Prismatik or the stop playing DRM-protected content (e.g. quitting the app playing it), after which the display will reappear. And the only way to prevent it in the first place is to exit Prismatik before playing protected content.

While I understand that this is a DRM issue and that Prismatik can't capture protected content, I wonder if there's a better way to handle this scenario. Is it possible for Prismatik to detect errors like these and simply fail silently (pause screengrabbing/unhook) instead of affecting anything outside of it?


The solution is to use firefox.
But im sure that they will ban it too sooner or later.
And in firefox 5.1 surround on streaming services don't work at all, so i'll be happy to know answer for your question.
Maybe we can somehow build Pi based device for hdmi thru (device between computer and screen) with prismatik on board?

I'm not looking to make screen grabbing + Netflix work on Edge or the MS Store app, I just don't want it to crash my display indefinitely when I forget that I have screen grabbing on.

While I do use Firefox most of the time, I use Edge for Teleparty when watching with other people and/or the store app for 4K playback.