psieg / Lightpack

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BSOD after resuming from sleep

Exioncore opened this issue · comments

Hi everyone!

I'm experiencing an issue with Prismatik. Every single time after I resume the computer from sleep the lights do not work. If I attempt to do anything with Prismatik I instantly get a BSOD from the driver Focusriteusb.sys.

I realize that the BSOD blames the focusrite driver however, I do not have such BSODs without using Prismatik and, I figured it's easier to get a fix on this side than it is on focusrite. If it can be fixed from this side that is.

My system is running Windows 11, an esp8266 for the light strips and, as the bsod suggests, a Focusrite Scarlett Solo.


I've also just noticed some additional behavior when the screen resumes from sleep.

Both the focusrite and lights are plugged into a hub of the monitor. When the monitor wakes up, the hub disconnects and reconnects causing both the focusrite and lights to disconnect and re-connect. The focusrite works normally whilst Prismatik does not. Quitting Prismatik triggers a BSOD with the aforementioned driver.