psieg / Lightpack

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[Linux] Stuttering in games

zbysiek opened this issue · comments



When running games via Proton and have Screen Grabbing enabled, there's noticeable stuttering in game.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install Lightpack via .deb package
  2. Select Mode > Screen grabbing
  3. Run a game via Proton Experimental (tested: Arma 3, DayZ)
  4. See noticeable stuttering in game
  5. Change Mode to Mood lamp
  6. Stuttering gone

The issue is also visible in some non-proton games, like CS:GO.
Forgot to mention, it is also eating some portion of in-game FPS, in Arma and DayZ it wasn't too noticeable, but in CS:GO it went from 220 to 120 when 'Screen grabbing' was enabled.

Console output:

kbz@kbz-com:~$ prismatik
00:21:31:367 Debug: using qt5ct plugin
Unportable version
Configuration directory: /home/kbz/.Prismatik
00:21:31:426 Debug: Prismatik: rev. 5044e21
00:21:31:426 Debug: Build with Qt verison: 5.9.5
00:21:31:426 Debug: Qt version currently in use: 5.12.8
00:21:31:426 Debug: Running on: "Linux Mint 20.2"
00:21:31:444 Debug: D-Bus system tray: yes
00:21:31:617 Warning: Fail load translation for locale "pl_PL" pathToLocale ":/translations/pl_PL"
00:21:31:834 Debug: pa_context_connect: OK
00:21:31:838 Debug: Start main event loop: lightpackApp.exec();

CPU usage is significantly increased when the screen grabbing is on, when a game is running it is shuttering and it looks like my CPU bottlenecks at 50% not sure why, maybe both process runs on the same 6 cores?.