prscX / react-native-siri-wave-view

React Native: Native Siri Wave View

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Invariant violation requirenativecomponent 'RNSiriWaveView9' was not found in the UIManager

gauthamchinna21 opened this issue · comments

Invariant violation requirenativecomponent 'RNSiriWaveView9' was not found in the UIManager. Facing issue only in android. iOS is working fine. Thanks in advance

React Native Environment Info:
OS: macOS High Sierra 10.13.5
CPU: x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz
Memory: 73.06 MB / 8.00 GB
Shell: 3.2.57 - /bin/bash
Node: 8.11.2 - /usr/local/bin/node
npm: 6.1.0 - /usr/local/bin/npm
Platforms: iOS 11.4, macOS 10.13, tvOS 11.4, watchOS 4.3
Android Studio: 3.1 AI-173.4819257
Xcode: 9.4.1/9F2000 - /usr/bin/xcodebuild
react: 16.4.1 => 16.4.1
react-native: 0.56.0 => 0.56.0

Thanks @gauthamchinna21 for raising the issue.

Have you followed below step defined in README?, might be related to that:

Note: If you encounter ISSUE - 2, Please replace import com.alex.siriwaveview.RNSiriWaveViewPackage; with import ui.siriwave.RNSiriWaveViewPackage; in your app Android class

</ Pranav >

Thanks for your response @prscX
Yes, i did all the thing which are mentioned in README.

@prscX I too facing the same issue. I have followed all the steps mentioned in README still getting the same error. Type 0 is working in Android but if I choose Type 1 I'm getting the Invariant violation requirenativecomponent 'RNSiriWaveView9' was not found in the UIManager. error. Here is the screenshot of it


@prscX Can you help me on this?

Hi @jeffreyrajanofficial: My apologies.

Currently we don't have support for iOS 9 wave form on Android. I will update README about the same.

If you find any similar native Android library, please feel free share, I will enable support for the same.

</ Pranav >