provectus / kafka-ui

Open-Source Web UI for Apache Kafka Management

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

In read-only mode, it remains possible to edit the broker's configuration

BeardedShamrock opened this issue · comments

Issue submitter TODO list

  • I've looked up my issue in FAQ
  • I've searched for an already existing issues here
  • I've tried running master-labeled docker image and the issue still persists there
  • I'm running a supported version of the application which is listed here

Describe the bug (actual behavior)

In read-only mode, it remains possible to edit the broker's configuration

Expected behavior

No response

Your installation details

27.06.2023, 16:36:09

helm: version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.5.1", GitCommit:"32c22239423b3b4ba6706d450bd044baffdcf9e6", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.15.7"}

Steps to reproduce

Through the dashboard, select kafka, go to the brokers section, select any broker from the list and go to the configs tab, the edit and save buttons are active





No response

Additional context

No response

Hello there BeardedShamrock! 👋

Thank you and congratulations 🎉 for opening your very first issue in this project! 💖

In case you want to claim this issue, please comment down below! We will try to get back to you as soon as we can. 👀

@BeardedShamrock - When you are saving post editing , is it getting saved ? In my case its not.

@BeardedShamrock - When you are saving post editing , is it getting saved ? In my case its not.

Hi! I'll try, ty for answer.

I think the end user is mislead by the 'save' button that is shown but eventualy no real save is done when clicked