provectus / kafka-ui

Open-Source Web UI for Apache Kafka Management

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As a user I want to be able to mask only the nested field of a message but not all fields

SamsadSajid opened this issue Β· comments

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Issue 1

The data masking document describes how to mask data but the examples contain linear field names. However, the document says that

Note: if target field's value is object, then replacement applied to all its fields recursively (see example).

The given example in the document was:

- type: REPLACE
  fields: [ "id", "name" ]
  replacement: "***"  #optional, "***DATA_MASKED***" by default

which results in

{ "id": 1234, "name": { "first": "James", "last": "Bond" }, "age": 30 } 
{ "id": "***", "name": { "first": "***", "last": "***" }, "age": 30 } 

But this should not be the desired behaviour. A nested object can contain multiple fields. Those fields can be tremendously helpful to view from Kafka-ui. But with the current version of Kafka-ui, this is not achievable as Kafka-ui masks all internal fields.

The desired behaviour should be:

- type: REPLACE
  fields: [ "id", "name.first" ] // or some other config
  replacement: "***"  #optional, "***DATA_MASKED***" by default

which should result in

{ "id": 1234, "name": { "first": "James", "last": "Bond" }, "age": 30 } 
{ "id": "***", "name": { "first": "***", "last": "Bond" }, "age": 30 } 

Issue 2

If there are multiple fields with the same name present in a message, all fields are masked.


name: "test",
id: 1
meta: {
  id: 2,

Say, I want to mask only the field. But if I mention id in the fields list, it masks all fields with the name id. So the above message becomes:

name: "test",
id: ****
meta: {
  id: ****,


Combining the above two issues, as a user of Kafka-UI, it would be great to have config settings where I can say exactly what fields in a message I want to mask.

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Additional context

I have proto models serde to deserialize the messages in Kafka-ui

Hello there SamsadSajid! πŸ‘‹

Thank you and congratulations πŸŽ‰ for opening your very first issue in this project! πŸ’–

In case you want to claim this issue, please comment down below! We will try to get back to you as soon as we can. πŸ‘€

I am thinking out loud here: since Kafka-ui is doing the deserialisation with the Proto serde, it should know the structure of the message i.e., fields and its nested structure. In that case, can't Kafka-ui use this context to mask only the required fields? i.e., if I mention only fields: [ "id", "name.first" ], can't Kafka-ui use the proto-model structure to only mask the first field of name field?