protoncluster / CustomToastLibrary

Android Custom Toast

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Super Toast Library

Usual Toast but with super powers!!! 💪

A Fully Customised and Customisable Toast.

Android Arsenal]( )

Type Output
Success Alt text
Warning Alt text
Error Alt text
Information Alt text
Default Alt text

Gradle DepenDencies

implementation 'com.github.akhilbv1:CustomToastLibrary:Tag'

if this fails try

implementation 'com.github.akhilbv1:CustomToastLibrary:v1.0'

Add Jitpack to repositories in Project level Build.Gradle

repositories {
        maven { url "" }

How To Call

 CustomToast.makeText(this, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT,CustomToast.DEFAULT, "Toast is working",false).show();
Method Paramter Description
makeDefaultToast() Context context,String message Default Toast
makeSuccessToast() Context context,String message,int shouldShowIcon Success Toast with message and icon visibility
makeErrorToast() Context context,String message, int shouldShowIcon Error Toast with message and icon visibility
makeWarningToast() Context context, String message, int shouldShowIcon Warning Toast with message and icon visibility
makeInfoToast() @NonNull Context context, String message, int shouldShowIcon Information Toast with message and icon visibility

Future Release Points

  • Provide Options for Custom Layouts
  • Add Animations

All commits are welcomed!!


Android Custom Toast


Language:Java 94.8%Language:Kotlin 5.2%