protectwise / troika

A JavaScript framework for interactive 3D and 2D visualizations

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Failing to parse font in React build

gorazdrajar opened this issue · comments


I've stumbled upon an issue when trying to render troika-three-text's Text mesh in a built React app. The problem only occurs in the build (I'm using create-react-app), and not when serving the React app locally.

This is the thrown error:

Failure loading font; trying fallback ReferenceError: u is not defined
    at fa48ac75-84e7-4ed2-8f92-aa98e4cee473:5:2138
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at t (fa48ac75-84e7-4ed2-8f92-aa98e4cee473:5:2111)
    at fa48ac75-84e7-4ed2-8f92-aa98e4cee473:5:2277
    at o (fa48ac75-84e7-4ed2-8f92-aa98e4cee473:5:2282)

Here is the working pre-build example:

And here is the failing build of this same app (error visible in the console):

I'm thinking that something goes wrong in the minification process. Looking at this troika issue, it seems possible that this is not actually a problem on troika's end.

I've currently only found the Pacifico font (Google font) to cause this issue, most other fonts work without issues. I'm using the .ttf file retrieved from the official Pacifico Google Font page. The problem doesn't seem to be font file related, though.

Note: I'm NOT using react-three-fiber or drei here.


  • react: 18.2.0 (also reproduced with 17.0.1)
  • react-scripts: 4.0.0 (also reproduced with 4.0.1, 5.0.1)
  • three: 0.141.0
  • troika-three-text: 0.47.1

Full steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a new React app using create-react-app
npx create-react-app myApp
  1. Add three and troika-three-text dependencies to package.json
  "three": "0.141.0",
  "troika-thre-text": "0.47.1",
  1. Overwrite contents of the App.js with the one found here
  2. Install dependencies, build and serve the built app
yarn build
serve -s build