prophesee-ai / prophesee-automotive-dataset-toolbox

A set of Python scripts to evaluate the Automotive Datasets provided by Prophesee

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Classes for evaluation (1 Megapixel dataset)

alochtuwien opened this issue · comments

Does the 1 Megapixel Automotive Detection Dataset use all the classes: {"0": "pedestrian", "1": "two wheeler", "2": "car", "3": "truck", "4": "bus", "5": "traffic sign", "6": "traffic light"} in the evaluation (Reported 0.43 mAP) or only 3 (Pedestrians, Cars (As a merged truck + bus + car) and Two wheelers)?

Hi @alochtuwien,
1 Megapixel Automotive Detection Dataset don't use all the classes.
In the paper only pedestrians, two-wheeler and cars are used. Cars means cars only (NOT merged with bus and tracks).

@alochtuwien for information, we claried the situation on our labels in the README of our repo. See our PR: