MariaDB 10.2.16 causes issues
codeliner opened this issue · comments
During release of pdo-event-store 1.9 we encountered errors testing mariadb.
BETA was tested against mariadb 10.2.15 and everything worked fine. But now with mariadb 10.2.16 being available our travis build fails:
We were able to reproduce the bug locally using official mariadb docker images:
mariadb 10.2.15 ✔️
mariadb 10.2.16 🚫
We try to identify the exact problem. For now, don't use mariadb 10.2.16 with pdo-event-store!!!
Here are the steps to reproduce the phpunit errors locally:
$ git clone
$ cd pdo-event-store
$ docker run --rm -ti -v "$PWD":/app --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" -w /app composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
$ docker run --rm -ti -p "3306:3306" -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=yes --name pdo-event-store-mariadb -d mariadb:10.2.16
$ docker exec -it pdo-event-store-mariadb mysql -e 'create database event_store_tests;'
$ cp phpunit.xml.mariadb phpunit.xml
$ sed -i 's/' phpunit.xml
$ docker run --rm -ti -v "$PWD":/app -w /app --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" --link "pdo-event-store-mariadb" prooph/php:7.1-cli vendor/bin/phpunit
$ docker kill pdo-event-store-maria-db
And here's the diff between MariaDB/server@mariadb-10.2.15...mariadb-10.2.16 (if of any help).
remark. I found I needed 10.2.14 not 10.2.15 to get the tests working. So, 10.2.14 one would need.
I can confirm what @basz says, as I also ran into the same errors with 10.2.15.
EDIT: Please ignore this comment and jump to #164 (comment)
Indeed the testsuite fails under 10.2.15, but for different reasons (which are the same as for 10.2.14).
The 10.2.15 and 10.2.14 failures disappear when running tests separately.
Am I the only to encouter these issues? (the process to run the tests locally is described above).
MariaDB 10.2.16
PHPUnit 7.1.4 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
.......................................E..EE..E................ 63 / 394 ( 15%)
...............................E..EE..E........................ 126 / 394 ( 31%)
.................FF............................................ 189 / 394 ( 47%)
FF............................................................. 252 / 394 ( 63%)
............................................................... 315 / 394 ( 79%)
............................................................... 378 / 394 ( 95%)
................ 394 / 394 (100%)
Time: 1.29 minutes, Memory: 28.00MB
There were 8 errors:
1) ProophTest\EventStore\Pdo\MariaDbCustomStrategiesEventStoreTest::it_loads_events_by_matching_metadata with data set #0 (array(true))
BadMethodCallException: Accessing the key of an EmptyIterator
2) ProophTest\EventStore\Pdo\MariaDbCustomStrategiesEventStoreTest::it_loads_events_by_matching_metadata with data set #3 (array(true, 123, 'bar'))
BadMethodCallException: Accessing the key of an EmptyIterator
3) ProophTest\EventStore\Pdo\MariaDbCustomStrategiesEventStoreTest::it_loads_events_reverse_by_matching_metadata with data set #0 (array(true))
BadMethodCallException: Accessing the key of an EmptyIterator
4) ProophTest\EventStore\Pdo\MariaDbCustomStrategiesEventStoreTest::it_loads_events_reverse_by_matching_metadata with data set #3 (array(true, 123, 'bar'))
BadMethodCallException: Accessing the key of an EmptyIterator
5) ProophTest\EventStore\Pdo\MariaDbEventStoreTest::it_loads_events_by_matching_metadata with data set #0 (array(true))
BadMethodCallException: Accessing the key of an EmptyIterator
6) ProophTest\EventStore\Pdo\MariaDbEventStoreTest::it_loads_events_by_matching_metadata with data set #3 (array(true, 123, 'bar'))
BadMethodCallException: Accessing the key of an EmptyIterator
7) ProophTest\EventStore\Pdo\MariaDbEventStoreTest::it_loads_events_reverse_by_matching_metadata with data set #0 (array(true))
BadMethodCallException: Accessing the key of an EmptyIterator
8) ProophTest\EventStore\Pdo\MariaDbEventStoreTest::it_loads_events_reverse_by_matching_metadata with data set #3 (array(true, 123, 'bar'))
BadMethodCallException: Accessing the key of an EmptyIterator
There were 4 failures:
1) ProophTest\EventStore\Pdo\Projection\MariaDbEventStoreProjectorCustomTablesTest::it_deletes_projection_during_run_when_it_was_deleted_from_outside
Failed asserting that 5 matches expected 49.
2) ProophTest\EventStore\Pdo\Projection\MariaDbEventStoreProjectorCustomTablesTest::it_deletes_projection_incl_emitted_events_during_run_when_it_was_deleted_from_outside
Failed asserting that 5 matches expected 49.
3) ProophTest\EventStore\Pdo\Projection\MariaDbEventStoreProjectorTest::it_deletes_projection_during_run_when_it_was_deleted_from_outside
Failed asserting that 5 matches expected 49.
4) ProophTest\EventStore\Pdo\Projection\MariaDbEventStoreProjectorTest::it_deletes_projection_incl_emitted_events_during_run_when_it_was_deleted_from_outside
Failed asserting that 5 matches expected 49.
Tests: 394, Assertions: 2163, Errors: 8, Failures: 4.
MariaDB 10.2.15 & 10.2.14
PHPUnit 7.1.4 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
............................................................... 63 / 394 ( 15%)
............................................................... 126 / 394 ( 31%)
.................FF............................................ 189 / 394 ( 47%)
FF............................................................. 252 / 394 ( 63%)
............................................................... 315 / 394 ( 79%)
............................................................... 378 / 394 ( 95%)
................ 394 / 394 (100%)
Time: 1.29 minutes, Memory: 24.00MB
There were 4 failures:
1) ProophTest\EventStore\Pdo\Projection\MariaDbEventStoreProjectorCustomTablesTest::it_deletes_projection_during_run_when_it_was_deleted_from_outside
Failed asserting that 5 matches expected 49.
2) ProophTest\EventStore\Pdo\Projection\MariaDbEventStoreProjectorCustomTablesTest::it_deletes_projection_incl_emitted_events_during_run_when_it_was_deleted_from_outside
Failed asserting that 5 matches expected 49.
3) ProophTest\EventStore\Pdo\Projection\MariaDbEventStoreProjectorTest::it_deletes_projection_during_run_when_it_was_deleted_from_outside
Failed asserting that 5 matches expected 49.
4) ProophTest\EventStore\Pdo\Projection\MariaDbEventStoreProjectorTest::it_deletes_projection_incl_emitted_events_during_run_when_it_was_deleted_from_outside
Failed asserting that 5 matches expected 49.
Tests: 394, Assertions: 2179, Failures: 4.
I've forgotten to run composer update
... my bad.
Here's the new results per MariaDB version with the latest dependencies:
MariaDB version | Result |
10.2.14 | OK (394 tests, 2183 assertions) |
10.2.15 | OK (394 tests, 2183 assertions) |
10.2.16 | ERRORS! Tests: 394, Assertions: 2167, Errors: 8.1 |
1Here are testsuite errors with MariaDB 10.2.16:
There were 8 errors:
1) ProophTest\EventStore\Pdo\MariaDbCustomStrategiesEventStoreTest::it_loads_events_by_matching_metadata with data set #0 (array(true))
BadMethodCallException: Accessing the key of an EmptyIterator
2) ProophTest\EventStore\Pdo\MariaDbCustomStrategiesEventStoreTest::it_loads_events_by_matching_metadata with data set #3 (array(true, 123, 'bar'))
BadMethodCallException: Accessing the key of an EmptyIterator
3) ProophTest\EventStore\Pdo\MariaDbCustomStrategiesEventStoreTest::it_loads_events_reverse_by_matching_metadata with data set #0 (array(true))
BadMethodCallException: Accessing the key of an EmptyIterator
4) ProophTest\EventStore\Pdo\MariaDbCustomStrategiesEventStoreTest::it_loads_events_reverse_by_matching_metadata with data set #3 (array(true, 123, 'bar'))
BadMethodCallException: Accessing the key of an EmptyIterator
5) ProophTest\EventStore\Pdo\MariaDbEventStoreTest::it_loads_events_by_matching_metadata with data set #0 (array(true))
BadMethodCallException: Accessing the key of an EmptyIterator
6) ProophTest\EventStore\Pdo\MariaDbEventStoreTest::it_loads_events_by_matching_metadata with data set #3 (array(true, 123, 'bar'))
BadMethodCallException: Accessing the key of an EmptyIterator
7) ProophTest\EventStore\Pdo\MariaDbEventStoreTest::it_loads_events_reverse_by_matching_metadata with data set #0 (array(true))
BadMethodCallException: Accessing the key of an EmptyIterator
8) ProophTest\EventStore\Pdo\MariaDbEventStoreTest::it_loads_events_reverse_by_matching_metadata with data set #3 (array(true, 123, 'bar'))
BadMethodCallException: Accessing the key of an EmptyIterator
@basz @drgomesp Could you desribe (ideally with a test) what's wrong on your side with 10.2.15, please?
MariaDB version | Result |
mariadb:10.2.14 | OK (394 tests, 2183 assertions) |
mariadb:10.2.15 | OK (394 tests, 2183 assertions) |
mariadb:10.2.16 | Tests: 394, Assertions: 2167, Errors: 8. (same output as above) |
10.2.15 seems good after all.
note: all done with composer update
and docker-compose -f docker-compose-tests.yml down --rmi all -v --remove-orphans
in-between runs.
Currently debugging this, I'll leave my notes here to keep track of them.
I've detected a difference in the behavior of the json_value
function between 10.2.15 and 10.2.16.
(Note: this function is used to load events with a metadata matcher here).
As a matter of fact,
the query SELECT json_value('{"foo":true}', '$.foo');
will return
MariaDB [none]> SELECT json_value('{"foo":true}', '$.foo');
| json_value('{"foo":true}', '$.foo') |
| true |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT json_value('{"foo":true}', '$.foo');
| json_value('{"foo":true}', '$.foo') |
| 1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
It looks like it's been done on purpose (aka feature, not a bug) => MariaDB/server@352c7e0