prontolabs / pronto

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Release new gem version

ashkulz opened this issue Β· comments

We're in the same situation as #312 -- it's been a year since a release was made. Is there anything the community can do to help make that happen?

cc @mmozuras


@mmozuras, pinging you once again.

😞 I was just trying to integrate pronto into our CI workflow, had an issue installing rugged, seeing there are newer versions available and no releases in over a year here.

Seems like development on master branch has slowed too - going to have to find something else 😒


@AxelTheGerman , I ended up having a separate Gemfile and rubocop config in .pronto directory
then in .gitlab-ci.yml you can do

- RUBOCOP_CONFIG=.pronto/.rubocop.yml bundle exec --gemfile .pronto/Gemfile pronto run -f gitlab_mr -c $SHA1

this way you don't need rugged in production

I have gotten access to my RubyGems account restore and will start working through new releases.

I would love to find some additional contributors for the Pronto org, right now the volume of requests far exceeds the bandwidth of myself. For those interested, please feel free to reach out to me or pass along this tweet if you know anyone who could be a good addition:

Great news thanks πŸ‘

@doomspork: I'm willing to contribute (use it at work) -- what kind of help would be most beneficial e.g. issue triage, PRs etc?

Issue triage and helping get PRs merged would be a great first step and a tremendous help.

We can work together to go through each repo, get things merged, version updated, and I'll get new gems published.

Hi, just to let you know, due to the old thor dependency in the last released version, pronto will not work for rails 6.1.0

I'm also willing to help sort things out for the next release

I've been merging PRs, but I've had no luck in reaching out to @doomspork / @mmozuras for the release to RubyGems.

I've been granted permissions to publish to RubyGems by @doomspork, will try to release by this weekend.

@ashkulz I will finish adding you to the remaining gems tomorrow, I seem to have been throttled for adding you and @aergonaut to them πŸ˜†

I haven't gotten time to complete the release, will try to do it over this weekend πŸ™ˆ

@ashkulz Any updates on the release? I have come across incompatibility issues with Thor when using rails 6.1.1 and even though using master branch would solve it, latest release (0.10.0) is:

# gemspec
s.add_runtime_dependency('thor', '~> 0.20.0')

Which is conflicting with Rails 6.1.1 on thor (~> 1.0)

I've released the new version to RubyGems.