promised-ai / lace

A probabalistic ML tool for science

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Latent columns

BaxterEaves opened this issue · comments

To enable extra modeling features, such as lace-as-a-prior, we need latent columns, which are basically just dataless columns.

There is a question of implementation: do add a tag to existing columns or treat them as a new column type like

pub enum ColModel {
    Continuous(Column<f64, Gaussian, NormalInvChiSquared, NixHyper>),
    Categorical(Column<u8, Categorical, SymmetricDirichlet, CsdHyper>),
    Count(Column<u32, Poisson, Gamma, PgHyper>),
    Latent(Box<ColModel>), // NEW