prometheus-operator / prometheus-operator

Prometheus Operator creates/configures/manages Prometheus clusters atop Kubernetes

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Prometheus Operator does not reflect the Custom recording rules

velu4689 opened this issue · comments

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What happened?


We have deployed a prometheus operator stack with KSM & NE. However, we are unable to see the custom recording rules that we have added. It gets listed when we query using: kubectl get prometheusrules -n <>

However when we go prometheus UI, we do not see the recording rules listed in the config. Also, the metrics computed using recording rules did not reflect

Steps to Reproduce

Expected Result

Reflect recording rules in prometheus ui

Actual Result

Prometheus Operator Version

Prometheus operator version - v0.71.0

Kubernetes Version


Kubernetes Cluster Type

Other (please comment)

How did you deploy Prometheus-Operator?

helm chart:prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack


No response

prometheus-operator log output

Looks good

Anything else?

No response

Could you please provide the rule you are trying to add and prometheus operator logs?