prometheus-operator / prometheus-operator

Prometheus Operator creates/configures/manages Prometheus clusters atop Kubernetes

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Correcting the documentation for xxxmonitornamespaceselector in prometheus crd

fettimbapro opened this issue · comments


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Greetings promethesians!
I am a long time enjoyer of prometheus-operator, you guys are killing it!

I have a small note on the wording of the documentation, while trying to edit the podmonitornamespaceselector-field, I tried to follow the documentation of using a "null value" in multiple different syntaxes, alas I finally got it to work by simply removing the line of code from the yaml manifest.

I propose a change in the description of all xxxmonitornamespaceselectors


Namespaces to match for xxxMonitors discovery. An empty label selector
matches all namespaces. A null label selector matches the current
namespace only.


Namespaces to match for xxxMonitors discovery. An empty label selector
matches all namespaces. A null label selector (default value) matches the current
namespace only.

This would clarify how an administer of prometheus would go about doing stuff.

Hope you have a great weekend!
Best regards,

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thanks for the kind words! Do you want to contribute the change?

I can work on this issue @simonpasquier. Also, is there any other changes needed in the description other than the one mentioned by @fettimbapro ?