prometheus-operator / prometheus-operator

Prometheus Operator creates/configures/manages Prometheus clusters atop Kubernetes

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Release artifacts missing from 0.73.1 release

erikgb opened this issue · comments

Is there an existing issue for this?

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What happened?


We are using the stripped-down-crds.yaml from the release artifacts to install just the operator CRD. This file (and bundle.yaml) seems to be missing from the latest 0.73.1 release. I assume this was non-intentional.

Comparing with

Steps to Reproduce

Expected Result

Actual Result

Prometheus Operator Version


Kubernetes Version


Kubernetes Cluster Type


How did you deploy Prometheus-Operator?



No response

prometheus-operator log output


Anything else?

No response

Right it was not intentional. Noticed that after creating release. But there is no change in CRD in 0.73.1 from 0.73.0, there was only bugfix to reduce logging.

I will attach the artifacts manually later today.

Thanks @slashpai! I was not expecting any changes to the CRDs. It just broke our CI. 😉

Just to make it clear: we strongly advocate to avoid using the stripped down CRDs since they lack description fields. explains how you can get rid of stripped down CRDs. Maybe there's room for improvement?

Just to make it clear: we strongly advocate to avoid using the stripped down CRDs since they lack description fields.

Thanks, but in this case, it is just to feed our ephemeral clusters used for feature branches with the CRDs - as simple as possible. In our "real" clusters, we install the operator using Helm (kube-prometheus-stack). For this setup, we actually just want the CRDs and not the operator etc.

Basically you need this?

Would it make sense to provide a tarball with only the CRDs with each release? I don't like that we encourage people using the "stripped down" version :)

The release now includes the expected assets.

Thanks, appreciated!

Would it make sense to provide a tarball with only the CRDs with each release? I don't like that we encourage people using the "stripped down" version :)

In our case this would only complicate things. Why is there an "example" element in this path? 🤔 It confuses - at least me. Our preferred solution would be to add a kustomization.yaml file to the CRD directory. That would make this as simple as it gets for us! If you are willing to accept a PR adding this, I could do it. WDYT?

definitely yes for supporting kustomize more broadly 😃