prometheus-operator / prometheus-operator

Prometheus Operator creates/configures/manages Prometheus clusters atop Kubernetes

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PR working on any Scrape Config SD

dongjiang1989 opened this issue · comments



What is missing? Please describe.

ref: #6327 (comment)

Since scrape config is part of GSoc there are many PRs related to that as well so based on whichever gets merged first others will get merge conflict.

Describe alternatives you've considered.

Merge code in reply order.

Environment Information.


Kubernetes Version:
Prometheus-Operator Version:

#6327 @slashpai PTAL, thanks

@dongjiang1989 I meant incase if you are working on a ScrapeConfig SD config log a github issue with that SD name so that everyone will know you are working on it. This is to avoid duplicated efforts since there can be PRs from GSoc candidates as well

Since both Kuma and Eureka SDs are merged now I am closing this one
