prometheus-operator / kube-prometheus

Use Prometheus to monitor Kubernetes and applications running on Kubernetes

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forgot grafana password,How can I changeit

Crystal-w opened this issue · comments

What happened?
I forgot grafana password,How can I change it?

Did you expect to see some different?

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):


  • Prometheus Operator version:
    Insert image tag or Git SHA here

  • Kubernetes version information:

    kubectl version

kubernetes v1.21

  • Kubernetes cluster kind:

    insert how you created your cluster: kops, bootkube, tectonic-installer, etc.

  • Manifests:

insert manifests relevant to the issue
  • Prometheus Operator Logs:
Insert Prometheus Operator logs relevant to the issue here
  • Prometheus Logs:
Insert Prometheus logs relevant to the issue here

Anything else we need to know?: