prometheus-community / windows_exporter

Prometheus exporter for Windows machines

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

There is no Windows_os_* return on a certain Windows

chinaxushi opened this issue · comments

ts=2024-03-06T11:10:41.338Z caller=prometheus.go:186 level=error msg="collector os failed after 0.043007s" err="The system cannot find the file specified."

This is a log error

It has been confirmed that there is a return value for the Win32_OperatingSystem class in WMI on the machine

I saw that there were similar issues before, but they all said that the page file problem had been solved.

Are you running Windows Server 2012R2? If yes, should be fixed in #1446

It's 2012, but not all Windows 2012 have this issue

Sorry, I only saw the message now. I have tested it and using the version above, the information for Windows_os * has been released. I am not sure if the data is complete. But the previously missing system versions and memory usage are now available.

I also ran version 0.25.1 on this machine. There is no data for "Windows_os_*"