prometheus-community / windows_exporter

Prometheus exporter for Windows machines

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

textfile_dir not inst

irnmn opened this issue · comments

use command msiexec /i windows_exporter-0.25.0-amd64.msi ENABLED_COLLECTORS="cpu,cs,iis,logical_disk,memory,net,os,process,scheduled_task,service,system,tcp,textfile" LISTEN_PORT="9182" TEXTFILE_DIR="C:\custom_metrics" freezing process in progress
But if you run without the last command, then everything is successful

This my fault, because as I was implementing #1262 (v0.24.0) I forgot to update the wxs

<Property Id="TEXTFILE_DIR" Secure="yes" />
<SetProperty Id="TextfileDirFlag" After="InstallFiles" Sequence="execute" Value=" [TEXTFILE_DIR]" Condition="TEXTFILE_DIR" />

With #1262 the flag was marked deprecated and then in the next release removed by #1337 (v0.25.0)

@breed808 should I bump in a PR to fix? If so my question would be, should I also update the ID like Id="TEXTFILE_DIRS" instead of Id="TEXTFILE_DIR"

Yes please, a PR is welcome. I'd go with Id="TEXTFILE_DIRS" as that clearly indicates that multiple directories can be supplied. The TEXTFILE_DIR reference in the main README will need to be updated too.

will there be a new version 0.25.1 or what?

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