projekt0n / github-nvim-theme

Github's Neovim themes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Lots of github_light_default highlight groups are invisible

librolibro opened this issue · comments

I'm using "github_dark_dimmed" variant for a while and i like it a lot, but recently i also decided to use "github_light_default" at a daytime (using autoswitching btw). There is a list of highlight groups which have white foreground and completely invisible on white background:

  1. LspSignatureActiveParameter
  2. DiagnosticHint (#318 is probably about it) (also there is a link to DiagnosticHint* groups but not to DiagnosticVirtualText* ones)
  3. Visual/PmenuThumb - using sel0 spec
  4. ColorColumn - using bg2 spec (also affects Folded/TabLine groups)
  5. CursorLine/Whitespace - using bg3 spec

There are FloatBorder and StatusLineNC groups which also have white foreground but i didn't find where's usage of it.

Empty setup call should be enough to reproduce this:

require("github-theme").setup {}

I'm using v1.0.2 version of this plugin. It's worth to mention that last commit at the moment (d832925) broke todo comments as well (cc9516e, looks like it's about @comment.todo.comment group, but didn't dig into it), so i'll stick to v1.0.2 now.

Config like this helps:

specs = {
  github_light_default = {
    sel0 = "#9dbef0", -- Visual/PmenuThumb
    bg2 = "#becddc", -- ColorColumn/Folded/TabLine
    bg3 = "#becddc", -- CursorLine/Whitespace
groups = {
  github_light_default = {
    -- TODO(user): Also redefine
    --   StatusLineNC and FloatBorder?
    Whitespace = { fg = "#a3b1c1", bg = "NONE" },
    LspSignatureActiveParameter = {
      fg = "#c06d00",
      style = "bold,underdashed",
      bg = "NONE",
    DiagnosticHint = { fg = "#939597" },
    DiagnosticVirtualTextHint = { link = "DiagnosticHint" },

NOTE: There is probably a better way to define those colors by reusing existing internal color specs - i just chose colors which fits IMO.

Neovim version:

NVIM v0.10.0-dev-2819+gf4df49a959
Build type: RelWithDebInfo
LuaJIT 2.1.1713773202
Run ":verbose version" for more info

Looks like there IS a DiagnosticVirtualTextHint group at line 22, but it's still not visible until i specify it in groups section in config (didn't notice it when i first opened a file).