BUG : MESA 2.3
AlABarazi opened this issue · comments
I am getting this error when I run the code with mesa2.3. No problems with 2.1
/Users/alaaalbarazi/My Drive/Projects/Python_Projects/work/Skanska_last/ABM/agents/Entrance.py:8: FutureWarning: The Mesa Model class was not initialized. In the future, you need to explicitly initialize the Model by calling super().init() on initialization.
super().init(agent_name, model)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/alaaalbarazi/Library/CloudStorage/GoogleDrive-alaabarazi@gmail.com/My Drive/Projects/Python_Projects/work/Skanska_last/run.py", line 3, in
from ABM.server import server
File "/Users/alaaalbarazi/My Drive/Projects/Python_Projects/work/Skanska_last/ABM/server.py", line 215, in
server = ModularServer(HRB, [text_element, canvas_element, chart_element],
File "/Users/alaaalbarazi/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/hrb-QVQNroNC-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mesa_viz_tornado/ModularVisualization.py", line 354, in init
File "/Users/alaaalbarazi/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/hrb-QVQNroNC-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mesa_viz_tornado/ModularVisualization.py", line 381, in reset_model
self.model = self.model_cls(**model_params)
File "/Users/alaaalbarazi/My Drive/Projects/Python_Projects/work/Skanska_last/ABM/model.py", line 438, in init
File "/Users/alaaalbarazi/My Drive/Projects/Python_Projects/work/Skanska_last/ABM/model.py", line 596, in create_inital_building
File "/Users/alaaalbarazi/My Drive/Projects/Python_Projects/work/Skanska_last/ABM/schedule.py", line 29, in add
self._agents[agent.unique_id] = agent
TypeError: 'AgentSet' object does not support item assignment
Thanks for reporting a potential bug. Which exact Mesa version are you running? If not 2.3.2, could you update to it (with pip install --upgrade mesa
FutureWarning: The Mesa Model class was not initialized. In the future, you need to explicitly initialize the Model by calling
on initialization.
Do you understand this warning? If you do this, it might already solve your problem.
If that doesn’t help, could you post a minimal reproducible example?
Thanks for the answers. Yes I understand the warning . I will update the code. I am using 2.3.0 . Also 2.3.1 has the same issue.
I can post minimal reproducible code if nothing worked out.
The problem was caused because I have used a customized schedule instead of the one that come with MESA library. I have stoped working on this project for a year and forgot about this.
The problem has nothing to do with mesa 2.1 or 2.3.
Please delete the whole issue if possible.